Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Ah, we've kept Ca safe from Herr Ahnold and his anorexic frau. His beer hall putsch went down in blazing defeat yesterday and we can go back to what's REALLY important-like posting offensive and perverted photos to our narcissistic blogs. This defeat of the terminator is more significant than one would think as it means a defeat of the Bush Agenda too in a way as Bush has pinned his hopes on Arnold's success. There's hope and I feel good today.

Had a miserable shift at the General last night, being pulled from 6B and it's passive aggressive hostile environment to PES after 4 hours into it. PES was a mess as usual with 25 patients, (far more than it's capacity) and I had 2 evals awaiting me. One was a paraplegic guy from Laguna Honda who tried to light his pubic hair on fire. Says it's a superior way to trim it. Then lit a bottle of after shave on fire "to deoderize the room". Couldn't see any problem with this and was put out that they had shipped him off to us.

Barely escaped another hostile exchange with Evan Garner, that immature incompetent doc who does too many shifts there. I don't know why he's allowed to work there, he obviously can't handle it. I tried to "present" this patient to him and he got all anxious and said he was very busy. Yeah, like we're not? He seems to think he's the only one who gets overwhelmed with the workload and expects that we will protect him from the barbarous hoardes of patients awaiting evaluations. He did this little bizarre dance after a miserable couple of hours, fooling around, and we're all supposed to laugh and think about how cool he is. He surfed the web mostly so I don't see how he can complain about how overburdened he is. He's really a prick. Married to an asian gal who barely speaks English. Mail order bride type thing I think. Who else would have anything to do with him? Someone who doesn't know what he's saying.

At 10:45, 15 minutes before the end of the shift Peggy wants me to "give her report" starting from the beginning. History, demographics, eval results, everything. I said to her that if she expects this we're gonna be there all night. She insists. VERY controlling personality. So I did-starting from the beginning. Of course she doesn't have time to


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your France-Riots-Islamic Round-up
There is so much out there about France, and about Islamic Fundamentalism, that I thought I'd cherrypick a few pieces for you.
I know you always surfing blogs, I recommen you to visit my site: ##KEYWORD
Thank you very much for you suggested site is interesting.

10:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CAN I FINALLY GET A WORD IN EDGEWISE now that I'm "invited" or do I need to use a flaming bottle of aftershave?

Aaahnold can take that damn broom he used in his campaign and take it up his sagging girlie man Ahhhhss!
Remember at The RNC when he said that when he first heard president Nixon speaking he said to himself, "I AM A REPUBLICAN!"

9:21 PM  
Blogger byro said...

Can anyone explain why Ahnold's hair, eyebrows and skin are all orange?

9:08 PM  

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