NYT and WMDs
Dear Editors:
That Judith Miller has resigned from the New York Times (or was it "retired"?)is a shame really, since she should have been terminated long ago.A Pulitzer Prize winning reporter who worked alongside Ms. Miller said: “I do not trust her work, her judgment, or her conduct. She is an advocate...” She accepts “dictation from government sources” and reports “unproven assertions” to the public. The NYT editors admitted her reporting was not “rigorous” enough, and said key pieces of misinformation were “allowed to stand unchallenged".Maureen Dowd calls her a "Woman of Mass Destruction". She can be blamed at least in part for helping beat the drums for an illegal war that has taken thousands of innocent lives.
The Jason Blair fiasco was nothing in comparison.Judith Miller is the posterchild for a larger problem in journalism. Some reporters get so preoccupied with courting the powerful insiders they are supposed to cover that they compromise the core responsibility of a journalist—to be a vigilant watchdog, ask tough questions, and unearth the truth for the public.Now is your chance to renew any dedication you may have remaining to watchdog journalism, asking the tough questions and unearthing the truth to the public.
It is the Media that keeps our country a Democracy and this descent of the NYT into stenography for the warmongers in the White House has severely tarnished what our democracy once was.It is now known that Judith Miller was a charter member of the Iraq War Group (WHIG).
This is a disgrace to an institution such as the NYT.You gave a lot of ink to your mea culpa about Jason Blair, you should give much more of one to Judith Miller.No one died due to Mr. Blair's duplicity, thousands have with the nefarious help of your reporter cum White House Staffer Judith Miller.
Well,now finally, the Whig party is obviously Whigging out.
She'll find work though.
"The bitch that bore her is in heat again"Brecht).
Some media outlet will hire her as a Martha style martyr and use her as a pundit. After all, Ollie North has been narrating this whole war "theatre" to us for years.
Why does she always look like she's having such a good time.
If the CIA is exempt from torture, couldn't one of the at least slap her?
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