Monday, January 16, 2006

California Killing Machine

10 PM . Only 2 more hours to live for this guy who has admitted guilt and will be executed tonight for a murder he ordered 25 years ago. It seems the frequency of these executions of late are due to a backlog and of coincidental timing. The Death Penalty was reinstated in 1979 here in CA. This guy was convicted and sentenced to death in 1980 and the appeals process has come to a close as it did for Stanley Williams and the next one to go-Michael Morales, in February. A guy who has admitted guilt and expressed remorse. Stanley Williams did not; hence no clemency according to the written decision by Arnold S. If he had, would he have been spared? He did not because he claimed that while he committed heinous crimes, he did not kill the motel owners he was sentenced to death for murdering.
Much smaller crowd this time around; possibly due to the prediction of rain and maybe battle fatigue from the energy spent to save Tookie.
Yet all the nutcases are here outside my door as usual. The long winded leftist from the Socialist Worker's Party, the usual ne'r do wells.
I always love the huge Ghandi puppet, ubiquitous at every rally I've ever been to.


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