Sunday, March 12, 2006

Finally, a progressive voice in San Diego-IMPEACH

ImpeachPAC Endorses Jeeni Criscenzo (CA-49)
Submitted by davidswanson on Tue, 2006-03-07 22:06. Challengers
Today ImpeachPAC endorsed its third pro-impeachment candidate for Congress, Jeeni Criscenzo, who is running unopposed in the Democratic primary to challenge Republican incumbent and former car thief Darrell Issa to represent California's 49th District.
Criscenzo has already been endorsed by the San Diego Imperial Counties Labor Council, Progressive Democrats of San Diego, Democracy for America Meetup #23 (San Diego), and Progressive Democrats of America (national).
Criscenzo has been a leading opponent of the Iraq War since before the invasion. She organized the Bring Their Buddies Home vigils as a non-confrontational way of showing people the human cost of war.
Her campaign website makes clear her opposition to criminal policies of the Bush regime.
She wrote a blog entry on March 6, advocating impeachment of Bush and Cheney. Criscenzo has also been campaigning lately wearing an "Impeach Bush" T-shirt.
In her blog, Criscenzo wrote: "If we go back to George Washington, American presidents have attached signing statements to laws a total of 322 times up until this president. George W. Bush has done it 435 times….George W. Bush is a dictator in president's clothing. He and his cabal have raped our Constitution, depleted our treasury, sent our kids to go kill and torture other people's kids for the personal enrichment of his cronies and left the poor people of New Orleans to die or become permanently displaced, conveniently remaking that diverse Democratic city, at one of the centers of the U.S. petrochemical industry, into a white, Republican stronghold.
"The future of our country is balancing on a precarious precipice. The Bush cabal is moving full-speed ahead in their plans to establish the Global Empire of Halliburton….Our only chance to stop this nightmare is to take back Congress THIS YEAR. That means winning a majority in November AND making impeachment of Bush and Cheney our first priority."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boy. If America can finally, someday spit out this regime of destruction and regain its former beautiful shape as honed by our brilliant forefathers and by the centuries of good citizens that kept it beautiful, I will truly again be a patriotic American. I will rejoice in this country's greatness- but not until then.

2:00 PM  
Blogger Nutmeg said...

you get it. Unlike so many others, but our numbers are increasing-with even Republicans getting nausaeted at what has been created by Bush the Junior. Bush the Senior warned about invading Iraq because he had at least a sense of history and knew it could degenerate into Civil War.
Now, it has.

3:20 PM  

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