Mi Neuvo Novio (delusional fantasy, but a nice one)
I think I'm in love with Pablo Paredes, the guy who refused to ship out to Iraq. If you have video, watch this: http://switchboard.real.com/player/email.html?PV=6.0.12&&title=fernandopablo512K&link=http%3A%2F%2Fwin20ca.audiovideoweb.com%2Fca20win15004%2Ffernandopablo512K.wmv
Organized a march from Tijuana to SF of people opposed to the war. Have you read anything about it in the press? No, but I'll bet you read all about "Hal" the coyote who has been rampaging through Central Park. Now, that's what the American people need to know about.
Why didn't use tranquilizer darts on Sadaam Hussein when he was in his "spider hole" and then get the hell out of there?
Close to 3,000 Americans dead from this war, and countless Iraqi's. But they don't count.
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