Un-Curious George
<< Bombs were exploding and innocents dying, from Beirut to Haifa to Baghdad, and yet George Bush managed to pose for yet another photo op, smiling as he gave the thumbs up at the close of the G8 summit. Thanks to an unsuspected open mic, however, we could also glimpse the mindset of a leader unaccountably pleased with his ignorance of the world.
What seemed to interest him most at that farewell get together of leaders bitterly divided over a disintegrating Mideast was not some last-minute proposal for peace but rather the fact that it would take China President Hu Jintao eight hours to fly home from St. Petersburg to Beijing.
Bush had started the exchange by noting, absurdly, that, "This is your neighborhood, doesn't take you long to get home." Uh, yeah, incurious George, sure thing. Never mind that St. Petersburg is in Europe, on Russia's northwestern corner, due north of Turkey, and Beijing is on the eastern edge of mainland Asia.
"You, eight hours? Me too. Russia's a big country and you're a big country," he said when corrected, sounding for all the world like an earnest kindergartner, processing new information. "Russia's big and so is China."
Unfortunately, Bush's private remarks to British Prime Minister Tony Blair several minutes later also revealed a cluelessness about more important matters: Israel's bloody assault on Lebanon, its causes and possible solutions.
"See, the irony is what they need to do is get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this shit, and it's over," he said, apparently referring to the guerilla force's firing of rockets into Israel. "I felt like telling Kofi to get on the phone with [Syrian leader Bashir] Assad and make something happen.">>
Where were BushCo's rabid obscenity sniffers?
The apalling ignorance of this man imposed upon us by the Supreme Court should have everyone coming out of their denial and realizing this guy needs to be impeached and NOW.
He has done Osama bin Laden's bidding, by making the entire Mideast go up in flames, better than OBL could himself.
Meanwhile in Iraq, the situation there has descending into total anarchy, intractable anarchy, including a bank heist netting several millions of dollars to keep the "terrorists" armed by the Chinese for eons to come.
Back to the Israeli consulate, where I went Monday to demonstrate with Jewish Voices for Peace.
Oh but not before I write a letter to the editor of the SF Chronicle. They printed a picture of a handful of pro Israeli demonstrators outside the Embassy, and ignored completely the hundreds of demonstrators across the street calling for peace and denouncing Israel's entirely predictable, disproportionate, savage response to the kidnapping of a soldier by Hezbollah.
Oh God, why can't I just go shopping like so many other people?
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